
Emery is 1 month old!

Time sure does go by fast.  I cannot believe that it has been a month since Emery arrived.  But I am definitely more tired these days.  Two kids is hard!  But they are also lot of fun!  Carson is talking all of the time.  He says the cutest things.

 Carson is going to be Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba for Halloween. 

 He just had to wear his Brobee hat while reading his night time story.
 Pops got a new motorcycle and Carson wanted to try it out.


the Sebring's said...

That's too funny about his hat! I loved Emery's birth announcements! They were so beautiful!

sarahjox said...

I love these pictures of Emery...she's so adorable! And it seems as though Carson's going to have an exciting Halloween! Can't wait to see more pictures.


Trip and Nicole said...

Miss Emery is so precious, she is getting cuter and cuter by the day! Happy 1 month b-day!

Kacey said...

I love that hat! Lila is obsessed with muno. He is with us all the time:)