
Waco Visit

Emery, Carson, and I had a great time in Waco.  We went to the Waco Zoo with Mimmie, Amy, and her kids.  It is a good little zoo!  After the zoo we went to a beautiful park and play ground on the Brazos River.  Carson, Bubba, and I went fishing on Lake Waco.  Carson loved driving the boat and catching fish.  But I still think Carson's favorite thing is the marble roller coaster that my dad makes in the front yard.


Fredericksburg, Texas

My parents, the kids and I visited Fredericksburg after Easter.  It was nice little get away.  The kids swam outdoors for the first time this year.  My mom and I did a little bit of shopping.  We visited the Wildseed Farm and saw beautiful flowers!  We were able to take some cute pictures of the kids just before Carson had a total melt down.  He wanted to pick all the flowers and he did not understand why he was not allowed to.  We still managed to have fun.


Button Up!

Children with Down Syndrome typically have low muscle tone.  Due to the low muscle tone many have what is called open mouth posture.  Emery is no different and most of the time when you see her she will have her mouth open.  So we have been working with her to close her mouth.  We say "button up" and she will close her mouth.  It is really cute!!  Here is a picture in which I was able to catch her in action.


Easter Weekend in Austin

We spent Easter in Austin this year with my family.  Saturday we went to my sister's church for their Easter festival.  Carson had fun sliding down the jumper, riding the train, and playing on the play ground.  He also had fun hunting for Easter eggs even though he only got 2 eggs.  That's right only 2 eggs!  There were lots of eggs but there were lots of children too.  Just look at the picture and you will see what I mean.  We enjoyed coloring Easter eggs too.  Sunday we went to church and luckily the kids did great at a new church.  Then to Ellen's house for another Easter egg hunt and brunch.  We had a great weekend!