Carson's First Bike!!
We bought Carson his first bike and he loves it!! It is a 'Strider' pre-bike. It does not have pedals. Carson has to push it with his feet. This neat bike teaches kids to balance which is the hardest part about learning how to ride a bike. Soon he will be able to balance and he will pick his feet up and just glide. Too cool!
'Emery' Necklace Update
The 'Emery' Necklace fundraiser for the National Down Syndrome Society has been an unbelievable success!! I cannot thank everyone who bought a necklace enough for your love and support. It has truely been overwhelming. An anonymous ANGEL has so graciously offered to double the amount we raised!! Justin and I may never know who this special person is but we will never forget what you have done for this great cause. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts! This amazing journey would not have been possible without Marisa and Clyde's idea for this beautiful necklace. I asked Marisa, the necklace designer, what her inspiration was behind the necklace and here are her thoughts.
"I love keys of course. Especially antique keys, because I love to think about the history, the story and the journey. I think about all the keys I've had in my life. The key to my first diary - the key to my first car - the key to my grandfather's fishing boat - I think about the way I cried (so happy!) when I got the keys to the house I purchased all by myself ... you get the idea. It is less about the key itself than it is about the moments and the milestones ... all those moments and milestones that we want for the people we love - all those keys that will open all those doors. And, the beads (set off center) symbolize that even when life is a little out of balance, it is still beautiful and precious, just the same."
Marisa Howard
I just love everything about this necklace! Emery's life has just begun and already so many good things are happening because she was brought into this world. Her journey is just beginning and we are all excited to see where it leads her and all of us.
"I love keys of course. Especially antique keys, because I love to think about the history, the story and the journey. I think about all the keys I've had in my life. The key to my first diary - the key to my first car - the key to my grandfather's fishing boat - I think about the way I cried (so happy!) when I got the keys to the house I purchased all by myself ... you get the idea. It is less about the key itself than it is about the moments and the milestones ... all those moments and milestones that we want for the people we love - all those keys that will open all those doors. And, the beads (set off center) symbolize that even when life is a little out of balance, it is still beautiful and precious, just the same."
Marisa Howard
I just love everything about this necklace! Emery's life has just begun and already so many good things are happening because she was brought into this world. Her journey is just beginning and we are all excited to see where it leads her and all of us.
Spring Break!
We all had a great Spring Break! The kids and I spent most of the week in Waco visiting my parents. Bubba took Carson fishing for his very first time. Carson loved it even though he did not catch anything. I am not sure what Carson would have thought if he had actually caught a fish. My mom and I had a great time shopping and making Emery hair bows. Then we went to Austin for the weekend to see Ellen and Jared. We visited Zilker Park Friday and Saturday. It was so fun! Carson loved riding the train. Justin had a great time too. He stayed in Midland and played golf four days in a row.
Spring Break Begins!
My parents came to Midland during their spring break first. Then Carson, Emery, and I are going back to Waco with them for a few days. Then we are all off to Austin to see Ellen and Jared. It should be a fun trip! Justin will stay in Midland so he can work and play golf. We will miss Daddy but we will all be having fun!
Emery loves to laugh at Mimmie and Bubba!
Yo Gabba Gabba!
Carson still loves the 'Yo Gabba Gabba' show. He really has learned alot from that silly show. When he hurts himself we tell him to "shake shake it off". He will start shaking and get over it quicker. When we want him to try something new to eat we say "try it you'll like it". Sometimes he will try it, sometimes he won't. Carson's knows that a floor tom and a hi hat are drums. He first learned the word 'careful' from 'Yo Gabba Gabba'. Carson loves his 'Yo Gabba Gabba' Vans shoes. He is too cute!
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