Lets get to the big news first. Carson is going to have little SISTER!! Justin and I are so excited to get to have the chance to raise both a boy and a girl!
For Easter Aunt Carol, Bubba, and Minnie came in town from Waco. On Easter Sunday all of Justin's family and my family spent the day together. It was so neat seeing Carson hunt Easter eggs for the first time. It is what being a parent is all about. We had so much fun with the entire family.
Carson and I made our first road trip with just the two of us. We went to San Angelo for my sister's wedding shower. Carson did such a great job in the car. He slept most of the time thank goodness. Justin was playing golf that day (which he has been very fortunate to have been playing alot of lately) so he met us in San Angelo later that day. We are so excited for Ellen and Jared. They are getting married June 19 in Breckenridge, Colorado.
It's Easter and there is so much to thank the Lord for!!
Aunt Carol, Bubba, & Minnie
Cousin Davis & Andy playing with their Easter gifts.
Reading a book with Fancy.
Hunting Easter eggs after church with our cousins.
Had to take a break and ride our four wheeler.
Andy and Davis loved find little animals in their eggs.
Easter Basket!
Not so sure about bunny ears.
Carson's first time to hunt Easter eggs. Deets just had to help.
We had to practice before the big day.
His favorite part was definitely discovering that there was treats inside the eggs.
Davis and Champ get along great.
Davis loves to throw the ball and Champ loves to play fetch.
Deets just relaxing.
Carson enjoys mowing the lawn.