Rapping in his Santa Rocks shirt. Then singing Jiggle Bells in his school Christmas Program. The class did not do much singing but Carson sure could jiggle his bell.
Weekend in Austin!
This past weekend we loaded up the car and headed to Austin. We stayed at my sister's house and were able to see my whole family. We did some shopping, golfing, picture taking, sugar cookies decorating, and we went to the Yo Gabba Gabba show. Carson loved it!! It was a great weekend!!
Carson is still not a big Santa fan. Every time we asked him if he wanted to sit on Santa's lap he said, "No Santa". I had to hold him to even get close to Santa. Then as we walked away Santa touched Carson's foot and Carson just cried. It was too funny! Emery on the other hand loved Santa. 
I got this really cute white dress with fur around the collar for Emery and as you can see it did not fit quite right. It lasted long enough for one picture.
Carson is just the sweetest right after getting up from a nap. He loves to snuggle.
Diane and I never get pictures of us together anymore. We are always taking pictures of the kids. She doesn't look like she is having a baby soon at all.
We had a great Thanksgiving! We spent the day with Bubba, Mimmie, and Fancy. There are so many things to be thankful for this year. We have great family, friends, and amazing kids! I went back to work after Thanksgiving. It was a crazy week! Luckily Mimmie stayed with us for the week and was a GREAT help!
Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Deets had ACL surgery. He is recovering nicely. Poor pup.
Two small things to be thankful for!!
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17
Emery's Baptism
The weekend of Carson's birthday party we also had Emery baptized.
We had some great family time that weekend!!
For He will order his angels to protect us wherever we go. Psalm 91:11
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Mathew 19:26
Carson has so much fun at Chuck-E-Cheese as long as he does not see the real Chuck-E-Cheese character. He screams and cries if he sees the real Chuck-E-Cheese, even from across the room. It is really kind of funny because we are all on the look out for him. I am thinking sitting in Santa's lap is out of the question this year.
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