Carson has RSV, a respiratory illness. I went back to teaching on January 6th and Carson started daycare. It was really hard to leave him but things went very well until he got RSV. We think we caught it early so hopefully he can get over it quickly. But he cannot go to daycare for 10 days. So between Justin, Fancy, Annie, and myself we are all taking turns watching him. Thank goodness for grand-mothers! Carson is such a good baby that even when he is sick he still does not cry much and manages to smile every once in a while. This weekend Minnie and my aunt Carol came to visit. Carol had never been to Midland before (she was very impressed). We had a good weekend together. Justin was great and babysat while we went to on the town. Minnie was wonderful by letting Justin and I get some sleep while she took care of a sick baby at night. Again thank goodness for grand-mothers!

He is such a happy baby!!

Aunt Carol loves little Carson!!