Carson is 3 weeks old today! I just cannot believe that it has been three weeks already. Carson has been a great baby. There have been a few tough times but for the most part he has a wonderful temperament. Justin and I are very thankful to have him in our lives. I wanted to just list some memorable events from these past three weeks.
•I love to see Justin with Carson. He is doing such a great job with him (and me).
•This whole experience has been way more emotional than I ever expected.
•I loved having Minnie, Bubba, and Aunt ‘E’ here when Carson first came home.
•Aunt ‘E’s boyfriend, Jared, came in town to meet Carson.
•I will always remember late night feedings with grandmother Minnie and I, when Carson first arrived.
•And late night feedings with just Carson and I. I have been sleeping in Carson's room so Justin can get some sleep. He sleeps anywhere from 3 to 5 hours at a time!
•Justin and I love Carson's silly faces he makes when he is milk drunk.
•Grandmother Fancy’s evening visits.
•Carson is already a huge Texas Tech fan.
•Carson and I went on our first walk around the block.
•His umbilical cord fell off and he had his first real bath.
•Carson took his first bottle. (Aunt Kelly taught me how pump.)
•The poor kid got baby acne.
•Great grandmother Betty came to visit.
•We tried to go to Andy’s baptism but just could not make it. We were all ready to go and then Carson got hungry. We made it for pictures once church was over.
•Lots of spit up!!!